Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Struggling ...

I have been struggling the past couple days. I think the high humidity yesterday bothered me. And, today that pattern continues even though the humidity has dropped. I know that going back to school is starting to bother me, too. I have so much to do yet I want to enjoy the final days of unstructured time. Tomorrow, I have work to do at school.

Mr. Conundrum is off looking at cars. He just bought a car earlier this spring, and he appears to want to get rid of it. I never wanted this particular car, and apparently, he does not like it either. The thing about Mr. C. is that he is a very practical person in terms of what he wants and spends money on, but his obsession with cars is definitely a vice. Luckily, he buys cheap cars rather than expensive ones. But, the uncertainty of what he is going to do next drives me into a form of crazy. It's not a serious crazy or even a source of tension since he generally knows how to get a very good deal on cars.

I know I need to get my eating back in line. I'm not sure if it will happen today, though. I should be okay tomorrow since I do have a sort of schedule tomorrow.

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