Tuesday, August 23, 2011

A Salty Scale and Decisions

Last night and this morning, I made the mistake of stepping on the scale. I knew I should not, but I did anyway. While my weekend was not great from a weight loss perspective, it was not completely detrimental to a positive trend either. I stayed away from the worst trigger foods for me: cheese, dairy-based dips and potato chips. What I did have in place of these were too many cherries and salted peanuts. The good part about avoiding these was that I was able to get right back on my desire to eat right yesterday.

Yesterday was not fully on the Eat to Live plan, but it was a good day. I did end up with a tofu and veggie dish from a local Chinese restaurant. I limited the rice I had with it, and there is a light-tasting brown sauce on the veggies. And, while the sauce does not taste salty, I am sure that it is.

The end result of all this is a weight gain of six pounds since Friday. I know it is water weight, but I also know to give myself space from the scale during a time like this since the water weight leads to discouragement. I even know from the ways my clothes are fitting that I am doing better, not worse overall. I have to admit I am looking forward to school starting--if only for the fact that I will have a more structured schedule.

Again, though, rather than let this frustration get to me, I am continuing on! I started the day with a good weightlifting workout and then five miles on the elliptical. I think today it would help me to clean out my clothes, room and closet. And, with that, I know I need to get rid of clothes to make all this work better. And, I know the dilemma that I need to face is what to do with all my "bigger" clothes. Do I play it safe and thus give myself permission to gain weight? Or, do I trust that I have made the internal commitment that says, "Okay, this is it." I know the answer needs to be the latter because I want to have health above all else, and giving myself permission to be this weight is not healthy.

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