Sunday, August 14, 2011

And Then the Headache Hit ...

And I stopped moving ... I was rolling right along with the caffeine removal and was floored most of Friday and Saturday with the infamous withdrawal headache. Wow. I don't think I have ever felt that bad on the few occasions I have removed caffeine. That pretty much stopped me in my tracks. I did not feel like doing anything and felt like I could hardly move. Since I don't get headaches very often, I am fairly sure this one was related to caffeine withdrawal, but I keep wondering if I had some sort of illness. Yet, it's not the time of the year when I usually get sick. And, I haven't had that type of headache when I have been sick. I had to run to the farmer's market yesterday and ended up making soup for the freezer. That is all that I did that was productive yesterday.

I did get off Fuhrman plan a little bit last night. I think my emotional eating defenses were down because of the headache.  It always scares me how quickly I can derail. The headache may have been worse because I was in food detox, too, as I followed the plan very well last week--except, of course, last night. I did hold it together pretty well when Mr. Conundrum brought home chips. I had a few and stopped, which was very good. I wish I could say I stopped like that on the ice cream, but ...

I am not going to beat myself up--just going to have a good day today. I started with a 6 mile run. I am very slow since I am carrying too much weight, but it feels good to be out there and I am feeling stronger. I did have an excellent week for weight loss last week and am feeling like I am gaining some healthy momentum. This is good because I think I am going to train for a half-marathon this fall. Until this morning, I wasn't sure I could do so this year. I did the same one last year and felt very good about doing it. My goal was to finish and not come in last, and I made those goals. This year, I would like to improve my time, which shouldn't be too hard if I train and eat well. That's the benefit of being really slow--haha. I have an approachable personal record to beat.

The younger Misters got home from camp yesterday. They had a good time--although Mr. Transistor came home with a cough and a cold ... But, it's great to have them home. Goal for today: eat on plan. I may have to get a bit creative as to what that means tonight since we are going to my parents for dinner.

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