Thursday, August 18, 2011

A Plain Meal: Not So Bad

Tonight, I made a very plain meal. There were a number of things going on and I just needed to stay on my  ETL (Eat to Live) plan. I steamed mushrooms, onions and zucchini with a cube of salt-free vegan bouillon. I had to use the zucchini soon, so that was what I made the main veggie.  I expected not to like it at all, but I was pleasantly surprised when the meal tasted very good. It helped to top the mix with a half of avocado (avocado can improve the taste of anything :-). I had expected to force the meal down with a reward of my very favorite right now: organic cherries. They are spectacular right now.

My eating has been cleaner this week than all summer. That is paying off in how I feel. The scale isn't moving drastically, but I am not worried because I know everything has been in balance. My challenge will come this weekend, but I am definitely planning ahead for it. I am feeling empowered and potentially successful. I also want to keep in mind that I do not want to start over again. My cravings are diminishing and my energy levels are higher. I have not been hungry today and felt like my dinner portion size could be smaller. I actually forgot to eat my beans today, but I will get them tomorrow. I think my appetite was down, too, because I did not exercise today. I am planning on a longer run in the morning. Not sure I will get back here till after the weekend. But, I hope it is to report success!

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