Thursday, August 18, 2011

Fragmented Nutritional Knowledge

I was sort of watching Dr. Oz at the Y while doing my short stint of running yesterday. I wasn't watching real closely (I was, however, watching the time tick down since Mr. C. and I were going to head to the hot tub). Anyway, it looked like an expert and Dr. Oz were going down a list of foods and what they prevented. At one point, they focused on a fruit being good for cervical cancer. I think this is all great information, and it all speaks to the power of nutrition in lifestyle.

What I do find problematic is the fragmented nature of this. Yes, these are good foods and should be eaten, but I wonder how many people focus then so much of the foods in isolation. I know for myself I could add more, let's say, blackberries because I know they are good for me. But, if I am still indulging in other unhealthy foods, is that same benefit still there? I know for me--and this may or may not be true for other people--such an approach is too fragmented to be helpful. There are so many "healthy fragments" that I could incorporate a couple of them and mistakenly call myself healthy. That is something I no longer wish to do. In that way, I find great comfort in the way that Dr. Fuhrman's Eat to Live program combines all that nutritional information in a way to live for optimum health.

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