Monday, August 8, 2011

Mornings and Exercise

My whole day goes better if I exercise in the morning. It was difficult getting back on track today. Mentally, I fought it more than necessary. Physically, I knew I needed it. It's been a rough couple weeks on the scale. So, I knew I was at a turning point: do or buy new clothes in bigger sizes, something I have no desire to do. This morning, when I got done, I felt so much better. I enjoyed a green smoothie when finished, too, so my day is off to a great start.

Additionally, what I know about myself is that even if I say I am going to go exercise later in the day, I often do not make it. I spend way too much time in mental anguish, saying "I better get to the Y ..."When I go in the morning, I don't spend a good portion of the day in cognitive dissonance, thinking I need to go but not wanting to go. Mornings take care of that issue. Just get up and go. No time to spend talking myself out of it.

Yet, even as I know this, I still fight against going in the morning. Today, it was Mr. Conundrum who got me there. I knew I better go since he was going. He ran on the treadmill while I did about 5.5 on the elliptical. It felt good to sweat.

Mr. Conundrum and I are using the absence of Mr. Transistor and Mr. Twister to refocus ourselves. We have given ourselves a spending limit for their absence, which should curb restaurant visits. We also plan to eat very healthy. Often when the kids have been gone, we indulge in restaurant foods and snacks. This time, we are off to a great start! Five full days without the Ts--it feels good, but I miss them a lot. I am sure they are having fun, though, since they both love wilderness camp!

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