Thursday, August 11, 2011

Serious Action Taken: Caffeine Gone and Measurements Taken

One of the most difficult things for me with weight loss is the lack of caffeine in some form. For months, I have been addicted to decaf coffee. Yet, I know even decaf coffee triggers cravings--some types more than others. Of course, I also know that all decaf is not created equally--some decaf has nearly as much caffeine as regular caffeinated coffee. For the past two days, I have been very tired and groggy in the afternoon. Since the younger Misters are gone, I have had a week that feels like a vacation. It feels good. I needed it. And, this likely is the only week that will feel that way of the summer. I am replacing decaf coffee with herbal tea.

Mr. Conundrum is supporting me very well in my lifestyle change. He asked me if we should take my measurements today, and so we did. I haven't done this in a long time. In fact, two years ago when I was successful with weight loss--that was the last time. I am not sure I am going to post them here yet. I know I should. I need to think. Right now, it's not like anyone is reading, but at some point there may be one or two :-).

Because I did so well on my exercise, my day today will be a two-meal day. I had a late and large breakfast.

My breakfasts are the same nearly every day: assorted fruit smoothie with kale and assorted greens and chia seed added, so I am not going to post those. Today, I did add sunflower seeds to the smoothie to help with exercise recovery.

Dinner tonight is going to be grilled veggies with added beans or tofu. I need to run the errands to get all the ingredients, but I am excited about a low-salt Dr. Fuhrman marinade that I am going to use. I would like some cherries for dessert.

Feeling good and doing well this week. Mr. Conundrum got some take-out food last night and I did not even want it. Wow.

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