Monday, August 15, 2011

Monday Musings

Monday is a pretty important day in the world of "dieting", which I am not doing. However, I cannot help but be cognizant of a cycle that has been part of my life and part of other's lives for a long time. When I do not do well eating, I always think, "I will start on Monday." This line is perhaps one of the biggest falsehoods of my life. Very rarely have I ever started on Monday, and much of the time, the line was excuse to avoid responsibility. And, if I did actually start on Monday, it was because I was internally motivated.

Even now, Monday carries significance. Weekends are historically some of my worst eating times, so taking stock on Monday is also part of what I have done. If I have eaten poorly (even if I am in a good streak), I find I dread the responsibility that comes on Monday to make things right again with my eating patterns. And, if I have done fairly well over the weekend, then Monday is a particularly positive day that does not contain the cognitive dissonance of having my actions not meet my wishes. I like these kind of Mondays.

Yet, some of these destructive patterns do come from a lack of structure that comes on the weekend. In this case of this upcoming weekend, I will be traveling and unable to stick to my routines, which, for the moment are more positive than negative. I did indulge in some of my mom's home-cooked comfort food last night, but my indulgence was controlled. Most importantly, I did not allow it to become more than a one-night deal. Today, I have been back on track and ate fully on the Fuhrman plan.

In terms of today as Monday, I would feel better about myself if I hadn't gone off plan on Saturday. But, I am pleased with where I am at. And, I haven't beat myself up over any of it. Last weekend is what it is. Today is what it is. And, tomorrow, I will wake up feeling good from my exercise today and feeling good because I ate well today. And, it feels good to put caffeine withdrawal behind me. I am feeling a mental clarity that I like.

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