Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Sharing Information

Last night, Mr. Conundrum and I watched the PBS special with Dr. Fuhrman. It was great to be able to have Mr. C. hear the info for himself. I have read so much Fuhrman that I am quite familiar with the program, and I have followed it at least halfway for several years. I know one of my downfalls is the fact that the Misters in my house are not on the program, and that is what gets me off track more than anything--having the food here and the ease of indulging. Of course, there are myriad other factors for my lack of success as well, but that is a major starting point.

We saved our pledge to public television until we could get the Fuhrman thank-you gift. I am excited because as part of our gift, we get two tickets to one of his presentations in January! Mr. C. has agreed to go with me. He is very intrigued by the program and found it quite interesting last night. It helped for him to hear the info straight from Dr. F.

On the program, Dr. Fuhrman was talking about how prescriptions for medications give people permission not to take care of themselves. In my case, I think I have given myself permission to go off and on--always with the intent of going fully on the plan later. Well, later isn't going to last forever, and I just need to do this for all facets of my life.

Yesterday, I made a very good soup. I made it after I had eaten dinner, so I just had a bowl for lunch. It tasted quite delicious. I did not follow a recipe--just added things I had. I am glad there is a lot more of the soup :-). I still have the ingredients, so I may actually make another pot and freeze the soup in individual portions. I have several containers in the freezer already.

For my memory:
2 containers of low salt vegetable broth
2 onions (farmers market)
1 head cabbage (farmers market)
1 bag of organic mixed mushrooms (frozen)
1 bag of peas (frozen)
1 pack of asparagus (frozen)
corn cut off from 4 fresh cobs (farmers market)
3 stalks celery (farmers market)
3 larger carrots (farmers market)
1 zucchini (farmers market)
6 tomatoes (garden)
Vogue Veggie onion soup base
3 no-salt added vegetable bouillon

The hardest part was all the chopping. Other than that, everything (including clean up) went very smoothly. I do note how much easier clean-up is without the use of animal products. The remaining ingredients come right off without scrubbing at all! The soup was truly delicious and very satisfying. This is good because the cooked greens part of the program is one I struggle with most. Very tasty!

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