Tuesday, August 9, 2011


Mr. Conundrum and I watched Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead last night, and we both were glad we watched it. We both give the movie high ratings for calling attention to problems in the Standard American Diet (SAD). We thought the stories of both men (Joe and Phil) were inspiring and visibly showed how a vegetable-based diet with fruit changes someone who has been eating a Standard American (Australian in Joe's case) Diet. We also liked the cartoon interludes in the movie--they added humor to a powerful and sometimes depressing message for those caught up in full addiction to SAD.

Watching the movie makes me want to get a good juicer for greens, though. However, doing that may have to wait awhile on the financial priority list. We have morning smoothies that have lots of greens and fruit in them and we do not need to get a juicer to be healthier. Watching a program like this is a good reminder of what I need to do and why. In the past, I would run out and buy a juicer as a magic cure.

And, while I do not dispute juicing's success or importance,  I already have my high-power Vita-Mix that I use almost daily for our smoothies. What I can do right now is follow Dr. Fuhrman's 6-week eating plan, which will get me dramatic results without a credit card bill. Since Mr. Conundrum and I are trying to trim the fat from our wallet, too, knowing that success comes from following the 6-week program is invaluable. Either way, I need to do something.

Besides weight loss, one of the most noticeable parts of Joe and Phil's improvement in health was their skin tone. I know that when I have been committed to Dr. Fuhrman's eating program of nutritional excellence, I noticed the same change in my own skin. I am on my way to getting back to that. I love the way that feels. I also know my mental clarity is unsurpassed and that I feel years younger when I eat a plant-based diet with greens at the center of it.

My big problem is that I want to have it both ways, which I can't. And, I think that is why I vacillate so much. I have to stay fully on Dr. Fuhrman's plan or I have big derailments. I do best when I am on his plan, and to date, it is the only plan in my adult life that has lead to success and weight loss. I have maintained a 40-50 pound weight loss for four years by incorporating green smoothies. Then, I go back and forth and my intentions of following the program seem to get buried in my addiction to SAD food. Today, however, will not be one of those days.

The weather is absolutely gorgeous today! I have already lifted weights and run/walked 4+ miles. I need to get off the computer because CLEANING is on the agenda.

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