Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Struggling ...

I have been struggling the past couple days. I think the high humidity yesterday bothered me. And, today that pattern continues even though the humidity has dropped. I know that going back to school is starting to bother me, too. I have so much to do yet I want to enjoy the final days of unstructured time. Tomorrow, I have work to do at school.

Mr. Conundrum is off looking at cars. He just bought a car earlier this spring, and he appears to want to get rid of it. I never wanted this particular car, and apparently, he does not like it either. The thing about Mr. C. is that he is a very practical person in terms of what he wants and spends money on, but his obsession with cars is definitely a vice. Luckily, he buys cheap cars rather than expensive ones. But, the uncertainty of what he is going to do next drives me into a form of crazy. It's not a serious crazy or even a source of tension since he generally knows how to get a very good deal on cars.

I know I need to get my eating back in line. I'm not sure if it will happen today, though. I should be okay tomorrow since I do have a sort of schedule tomorrow.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

A Salty Scale and Decisions

Last night and this morning, I made the mistake of stepping on the scale. I knew I should not, but I did anyway. While my weekend was not great from a weight loss perspective, it was not completely detrimental to a positive trend either. I stayed away from the worst trigger foods for me: cheese, dairy-based dips and potato chips. What I did have in place of these were too many cherries and salted peanuts. The good part about avoiding these was that I was able to get right back on my desire to eat right yesterday.

Yesterday was not fully on the Eat to Live plan, but it was a good day. I did end up with a tofu and veggie dish from a local Chinese restaurant. I limited the rice I had with it, and there is a light-tasting brown sauce on the veggies. And, while the sauce does not taste salty, I am sure that it is.

The end result of all this is a weight gain of six pounds since Friday. I know it is water weight, but I also know to give myself space from the scale during a time like this since the water weight leads to discouragement. I even know from the ways my clothes are fitting that I am doing better, not worse overall. I have to admit I am looking forward to school starting--if only for the fact that I will have a more structured schedule.

Again, though, rather than let this frustration get to me, I am continuing on! I started the day with a good weightlifting workout and then five miles on the elliptical. I think today it would help me to clean out my clothes, room and closet. And, with that, I know I need to get rid of clothes to make all this work better. And, I know the dilemma that I need to face is what to do with all my "bigger" clothes. Do I play it safe and thus give myself permission to gain weight? Or, do I trust that I have made the internal commitment that says, "Okay, this is it." I know the answer needs to be the latter because I want to have health above all else, and giving myself permission to be this weight is not healthy.

Monday, August 22, 2011

Monday Musings

The weekend was good. The boys especially had a great time. My fortitude served me well the first part of the weekend, but I struggled by the end. I know I struggled for a variety of reasons, but it is really difficult to be out of my schedule and routines and keep on plan. It is also difficult not to be the one in charge of food and to be surrounded by it all the time. This weekend has become an annual family event, and I will say that I did much, much better this year than last year.

While I have many areas I need to work on, one of the biggest areas I need to work on is that I can't let two bad days become more than that. I am home now. I am in my own kitchen. I have healthy options here, and I am getting back fully on plan. As if to prove that idea to myself, I started today with a 6 mile run/walk. I did not have a great exercise day and walked far more than I would have liked. But, I did it and got my heart rate up. I burned some calories. And, I got some miles on my legs. I came home and had a green smoothie and some beans. I should be good till dinner.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

A Plain Meal: Not So Bad

Tonight, I made a very plain meal. There were a number of things going on and I just needed to stay on my  ETL (Eat to Live) plan. I steamed mushrooms, onions and zucchini with a cube of salt-free vegan bouillon. I had to use the zucchini soon, so that was what I made the main veggie.  I expected not to like it at all, but I was pleasantly surprised when the meal tasted very good. It helped to top the mix with a half of avocado (avocado can improve the taste of anything :-). I had expected to force the meal down with a reward of my very favorite right now: organic cherries. They are spectacular right now.

My eating has been cleaner this week than all summer. That is paying off in how I feel. The scale isn't moving drastically, but I am not worried because I know everything has been in balance. My challenge will come this weekend, but I am definitely planning ahead for it. I am feeling empowered and potentially successful. I also want to keep in mind that I do not want to start over again. My cravings are diminishing and my energy levels are higher. I have not been hungry today and felt like my dinner portion size could be smaller. I actually forgot to eat my beans today, but I will get them tomorrow. I think my appetite was down, too, because I did not exercise today. I am planning on a longer run in the morning. Not sure I will get back here till after the weekend. But, I hope it is to report success!

Fragmented Nutritional Knowledge

I was sort of watching Dr. Oz at the Y while doing my short stint of running yesterday. I wasn't watching real closely (I was, however, watching the time tick down since Mr. C. and I were going to head to the hot tub). Anyway, it looked like an expert and Dr. Oz were going down a list of foods and what they prevented. At one point, they focused on a fruit being good for cervical cancer. I think this is all great information, and it all speaks to the power of nutrition in lifestyle.

What I do find problematic is the fragmented nature of this. Yes, these are good foods and should be eaten, but I wonder how many people focus then so much of the foods in isolation. I know for myself I could add more, let's say, blackberries because I know they are good for me. But, if I am still indulging in other unhealthy foods, is that same benefit still there? I know for me--and this may or may not be true for other people--such an approach is too fragmented to be helpful. There are so many "healthy fragments" that I could incorporate a couple of them and mistakenly call myself healthy. That is something I no longer wish to do. In that way, I find great comfort in the way that Dr. Fuhrman's Eat to Live program combines all that nutritional information in a way to live for optimum health.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

The More Things Change, The More They Stay the Same

Today, Mr. Conundrum forced me to go through some old books to clear out some space. This is a long overdue task, but the reality of my life is that I need Mr. C. to push me to do things like this--the physical organization of space. While I was sorting through the books, I found an old journal--at least 10 years old. Like many journals of mine, this had two pages of good intentions, and then the writing stopped. The journal was, yes, about focusing on myself, so I could lose weight. I found it ironic that in the big scheme of things, I had made no progress and depending on the year, much regression since I wrote that.

Certainly, my little spurt right now is of a changed person. But, I have had other moments like that in the past ten years. I definitely feel committed right now. But, a month ago I was, and I did not maintain my commitment. So, I am right back where I started from on paper. I think, though, with my history and the fact that I could write the same thing now more than ten years later shows how little progress I have made. This in and of itself is very discouraging, and I could choose to see it as only discouraging.

But, I do feel things are different. I feel like my successes and failures this summer are all part of the same attempt and that I am definitely moving toward success. I certainly have much greater nutritional knowledge and how that knowledge can change my future. Thanks to Eat to Live, I know intellectually what I need to do to change and why I need to do it. I need to eat by getting the highest nutritional value of the foods I eat. I need to make salad the main dish every day. I need to have green smoothies and lots of beans and salad greens to take away the cravings. I need to have cooked greens and nuts to help my body toward health, toward healing. I have to go through toxic hunger in order to end up without it.

And, I think the most important thing I learned is that I have to follow Dr. Fuhrman's plan fully or I do not make it. Part of why I fall off is denial. If I do it halfway, I can be successful--obviously, that is not true or I wouldn't be thinking the same words from my past would hold true in every way today. Another thing I have learned, too, is that I didn't set myself up for success by maintaining my coffee habit--thinking if I took care of the eating, the coffee could follow. However, I do believe the coffee had to be gone first in order to have the eating plan follow. My cravings are not nearly so strong and my mental clarity is better than when I have coffee. Part of that clarity comes from sleeping better.

A challenge to where I am right now will come in the form of this weekend. I have some nice momentum right now and an exercising/eating plan for the week. I will need to do better than last weekend and last year at this time. This weekend has a number of challenges that I do need to meet head-on. I am hoping that the success of this week will breed the success of the future in the form of this weekend. But, really, the choice is mine for this. I just need to make it happen.

Monday, August 15, 2011

Monday Musings

Monday is a pretty important day in the world of "dieting", which I am not doing. However, I cannot help but be cognizant of a cycle that has been part of my life and part of other's lives for a long time. When I do not do well eating, I always think, "I will start on Monday." This line is perhaps one of the biggest falsehoods of my life. Very rarely have I ever started on Monday, and much of the time, the line was excuse to avoid responsibility. And, if I did actually start on Monday, it was because I was internally motivated.

Even now, Monday carries significance. Weekends are historically some of my worst eating times, so taking stock on Monday is also part of what I have done. If I have eaten poorly (even if I am in a good streak), I find I dread the responsibility that comes on Monday to make things right again with my eating patterns. And, if I have done fairly well over the weekend, then Monday is a particularly positive day that does not contain the cognitive dissonance of having my actions not meet my wishes. I like these kind of Mondays.

Yet, some of these destructive patterns do come from a lack of structure that comes on the weekend. In this case of this upcoming weekend, I will be traveling and unable to stick to my routines, which, for the moment are more positive than negative. I did indulge in some of my mom's home-cooked comfort food last night, but my indulgence was controlled. Most importantly, I did not allow it to become more than a one-night deal. Today, I have been back on track and ate fully on the Fuhrman plan.

In terms of today as Monday, I would feel better about myself if I hadn't gone off plan on Saturday. But, I am pleased with where I am at. And, I haven't beat myself up over any of it. Last weekend is what it is. Today is what it is. And, tomorrow, I will wake up feeling good from my exercise today and feeling good because I ate well today. And, it feels good to put caffeine withdrawal behind me. I am feeling a mental clarity that I like.

Sunday, August 14, 2011

And Then the Headache Hit ...

And I stopped moving ... I was rolling right along with the caffeine removal and was floored most of Friday and Saturday with the infamous withdrawal headache. Wow. I don't think I have ever felt that bad on the few occasions I have removed caffeine. That pretty much stopped me in my tracks. I did not feel like doing anything and felt like I could hardly move. Since I don't get headaches very often, I am fairly sure this one was related to caffeine withdrawal, but I keep wondering if I had some sort of illness. Yet, it's not the time of the year when I usually get sick. And, I haven't had that type of headache when I have been sick. I had to run to the farmer's market yesterday and ended up making soup for the freezer. That is all that I did that was productive yesterday.

I did get off Fuhrman plan a little bit last night. I think my emotional eating defenses were down because of the headache.  It always scares me how quickly I can derail. The headache may have been worse because I was in food detox, too, as I followed the plan very well last week--except, of course, last night. I did hold it together pretty well when Mr. Conundrum brought home chips. I had a few and stopped, which was very good. I wish I could say I stopped like that on the ice cream, but ...

I am not going to beat myself up--just going to have a good day today. I started with a 6 mile run. I am very slow since I am carrying too much weight, but it feels good to be out there and I am feeling stronger. I did have an excellent week for weight loss last week and am feeling like I am gaining some healthy momentum. This is good because I think I am going to train for a half-marathon this fall. Until this morning, I wasn't sure I could do so this year. I did the same one last year and felt very good about doing it. My goal was to finish and not come in last, and I made those goals. This year, I would like to improve my time, which shouldn't be too hard if I train and eat well. That's the benefit of being really slow--haha. I have an approachable personal record to beat.

The younger Misters got home from camp yesterday. They had a good time--although Mr. Transistor came home with a cough and a cold ... But, it's great to have them home. Goal for today: eat on plan. I may have to get a bit creative as to what that means tonight since we are going to my parents for dinner.

Friday, August 12, 2011

Moving Right Along

I began the day by run/walking 4.25 miles or so. I planned for it to be an easy run/walk since I did so well yesterday with my 10 miles total. I wanted to show my dad the trail I use, though, and it was convenient for him, so we went out and did it! I enjoyed myself immensely and told myself I could walk whenever I wanted to. And, I walked a fair amount. But, I also ran and I got my heart rate up and broke a sweat and felt good afterwards. I can feel, though, that tomorrow will be a light exercise day. I have done well the past 24 hours and I will continue that today. Since today is my last full day without the younger Misters, I am going to go enjoy it to its fullest--starting with a nap!!!!

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Serious Action Taken: Caffeine Gone and Measurements Taken

One of the most difficult things for me with weight loss is the lack of caffeine in some form. For months, I have been addicted to decaf coffee. Yet, I know even decaf coffee triggers cravings--some types more than others. Of course, I also know that all decaf is not created equally--some decaf has nearly as much caffeine as regular caffeinated coffee. For the past two days, I have been very tired and groggy in the afternoon. Since the younger Misters are gone, I have had a week that feels like a vacation. It feels good. I needed it. And, this likely is the only week that will feel that way of the summer. I am replacing decaf coffee with herbal tea.

Mr. Conundrum is supporting me very well in my lifestyle change. He asked me if we should take my measurements today, and so we did. I haven't done this in a long time. In fact, two years ago when I was successful with weight loss--that was the last time. I am not sure I am going to post them here yet. I know I should. I need to think. Right now, it's not like anyone is reading, but at some point there may be one or two :-).

Because I did so well on my exercise, my day today will be a two-meal day. I had a late and large breakfast.

My breakfasts are the same nearly every day: assorted fruit smoothie with kale and assorted greens and chia seed added, so I am not going to post those. Today, I did add sunflower seeds to the smoothie to help with exercise recovery.

Dinner tonight is going to be grilled veggies with added beans or tofu. I need to run the errands to get all the ingredients, but I am excited about a low-salt Dr. Fuhrman marinade that I am going to use. I would like some cherries for dessert.

Feeling good and doing well this week. Mr. Conundrum got some take-out food last night and I did not even want it. Wow.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Sharing Information

Last night, Mr. Conundrum and I watched the PBS special with Dr. Fuhrman. It was great to be able to have Mr. C. hear the info for himself. I have read so much Fuhrman that I am quite familiar with the program, and I have followed it at least halfway for several years. I know one of my downfalls is the fact that the Misters in my house are not on the program, and that is what gets me off track more than anything--having the food here and the ease of indulging. Of course, there are myriad other factors for my lack of success as well, but that is a major starting point.

We saved our pledge to public television until we could get the Fuhrman thank-you gift. I am excited because as part of our gift, we get two tickets to one of his presentations in January! Mr. C. has agreed to go with me. He is very intrigued by the program and found it quite interesting last night. It helped for him to hear the info straight from Dr. F.

On the program, Dr. Fuhrman was talking about how prescriptions for medications give people permission not to take care of themselves. In my case, I think I have given myself permission to go off and on--always with the intent of going fully on the plan later. Well, later isn't going to last forever, and I just need to do this for all facets of my life.

Yesterday, I made a very good soup. I made it after I had eaten dinner, so I just had a bowl for lunch. It tasted quite delicious. I did not follow a recipe--just added things I had. I am glad there is a lot more of the soup :-). I still have the ingredients, so I may actually make another pot and freeze the soup in individual portions. I have several containers in the freezer already.

For my memory:
2 containers of low salt vegetable broth
2 onions (farmers market)
1 head cabbage (farmers market)
1 bag of organic mixed mushrooms (frozen)
1 bag of peas (frozen)
1 pack of asparagus (frozen)
corn cut off from 4 fresh cobs (farmers market)
3 stalks celery (farmers market)
3 larger carrots (farmers market)
1 zucchini (farmers market)
6 tomatoes (garden)
Vogue Veggie onion soup base
3 no-salt added vegetable bouillon

The hardest part was all the chopping. Other than that, everything (including clean up) went very smoothly. I do note how much easier clean-up is without the use of animal products. The remaining ingredients come right off without scrubbing at all! The soup was truly delicious and very satisfying. This is good because the cooked greens part of the program is one I struggle with most. Very tasty!

Tuesday, August 9, 2011


Mr. Conundrum and I watched Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead last night, and we both were glad we watched it. We both give the movie high ratings for calling attention to problems in the Standard American Diet (SAD). We thought the stories of both men (Joe and Phil) were inspiring and visibly showed how a vegetable-based diet with fruit changes someone who has been eating a Standard American (Australian in Joe's case) Diet. We also liked the cartoon interludes in the movie--they added humor to a powerful and sometimes depressing message for those caught up in full addiction to SAD.

Watching the movie makes me want to get a good juicer for greens, though. However, doing that may have to wait awhile on the financial priority list. We have morning smoothies that have lots of greens and fruit in them and we do not need to get a juicer to be healthier. Watching a program like this is a good reminder of what I need to do and why. In the past, I would run out and buy a juicer as a magic cure.

And, while I do not dispute juicing's success or importance,  I already have my high-power Vita-Mix that I use almost daily for our smoothies. What I can do right now is follow Dr. Fuhrman's 6-week eating plan, which will get me dramatic results without a credit card bill. Since Mr. Conundrum and I are trying to trim the fat from our wallet, too, knowing that success comes from following the 6-week program is invaluable. Either way, I need to do something.

Besides weight loss, one of the most noticeable parts of Joe and Phil's improvement in health was their skin tone. I know that when I have been committed to Dr. Fuhrman's eating program of nutritional excellence, I noticed the same change in my own skin. I am on my way to getting back to that. I love the way that feels. I also know my mental clarity is unsurpassed and that I feel years younger when I eat a plant-based diet with greens at the center of it.

My big problem is that I want to have it both ways, which I can't. And, I think that is why I vacillate so much. I have to stay fully on Dr. Fuhrman's plan or I have big derailments. I do best when I am on his plan, and to date, it is the only plan in my adult life that has lead to success and weight loss. I have maintained a 40-50 pound weight loss for four years by incorporating green smoothies. Then, I go back and forth and my intentions of following the program seem to get buried in my addiction to SAD food. Today, however, will not be one of those days.

The weather is absolutely gorgeous today! I have already lifted weights and run/walked 4+ miles. I need to get off the computer because CLEANING is on the agenda.

Monday, August 8, 2011

Mornings and Exercise

My whole day goes better if I exercise in the morning. It was difficult getting back on track today. Mentally, I fought it more than necessary. Physically, I knew I needed it. It's been a rough couple weeks on the scale. So, I knew I was at a turning point: do or buy new clothes in bigger sizes, something I have no desire to do. This morning, when I got done, I felt so much better. I enjoyed a green smoothie when finished, too, so my day is off to a great start.

Additionally, what I know about myself is that even if I say I am going to go exercise later in the day, I often do not make it. I spend way too much time in mental anguish, saying "I better get to the Y ..."When I go in the morning, I don't spend a good portion of the day in cognitive dissonance, thinking I need to go but not wanting to go. Mornings take care of that issue. Just get up and go. No time to spend talking myself out of it.

Yet, even as I know this, I still fight against going in the morning. Today, it was Mr. Conundrum who got me there. I knew I better go since he was going. He ran on the treadmill while I did about 5.5 on the elliptical. It felt good to sweat.

Mr. Conundrum and I are using the absence of Mr. Transistor and Mr. Twister to refocus ourselves. We have given ourselves a spending limit for their absence, which should curb restaurant visits. We also plan to eat very healthy. Often when the kids have been gone, we indulge in restaurant foods and snacks. This time, we are off to a great start! Five full days without the Ts--it feels good, but I miss them a lot. I am sure they are having fun, though, since they both love wilderness camp!

Saturday, August 6, 2011

July Review

July Review

  • July 16: Lifted weights, ran 2 miles, elliptical 5 miles (intervals on 4 and 10 resistances)
  • July 17: Ran between 4 and 5 of a total of 5.5 miles
  • July 18: 7 miles elliptical (first hour-intervals 6 and 12: extra fifteen minutes intervals on 4 and 10), 6 miles on recumbent bike-a variety of levels, but I didn't push it too hard
  • July 19: Lifted weights (pushed a few up), short treadmill walk of less than a mile while Mr. Conundrum finished his run
  • July 20: 6.5 miles: 1/3 walk, 4 miles run, the rest walk/run
  • July 21: Lifted weights (felt strong), elliptical 2.5 miles (intervals 4 and 12)
  • July 27: Ran 4 miles

My posts and my absence and my exercise list are indicative about what my problem is with fitness. I do really well. I don't. I do really well. I don't. The cycle is vicious. Today, I am going to do well and that is all that I have. I know a big catalyst for me to NOT do well was traveling last week, but to let that get to me four days before I went and a week after I got back--good grief, there is no excuse. Yet, I seem to have plenty of them. The thing is that I enjoyed my time away--probably too much. But, I am moving again, focused again (I think :-).

This week, Mr. Transistor and Mr. Twister are going to a wilderness camp together. I am looking forward to the time to refocus. I have minimal commitments. Mr. Conundrum and I are planning on exercising a lot and eating healthy. Often, when the boys go away, we are tired and don't do anything. Tomorrow is our 18th wedding anniversary, and we plan to spend it driving them to camp in the same area where I lived when and where we got engaged.

So, I need to get focused in August. I have exercised three times, but that is truly the lazy way out. I had plenty of time and opportunity. The humidity has been horrid, and I do not handle it well. Yet, I know I can exercise in it, but when it is humid, if I don't go right away in the morning, I rarely do well later in the day. Mornings are key. This week looks good for mornings. Today is off to a good start. A 12 mile bike ride and the day is young ... My days always go better with exercise in the morning.

Confession: This week, I knew something was terribly off track when I wore the BLUE SHIRT AGAIN! Yikes!