Sunday, September 4, 2011

Time to Turn Myself Around

The final two weeks of August were not good for me, and I took it out on myself. I ate poorly and then did not feel like exercising. That is the most important thing I need to remember: how counterproductive bad foods are on my mental health. The mental health really impacts the physical health (and vice versa). For me, the bad foods generally start the process.  I eat foods that contribute to disease, not health, and I do not exercise like I should. And, I also understand that I am addicted to the unhealthy foods. I must break the addiction if I plan to get off the roller coaster, and to do that, I need to stop emotional eating.

Yesterday, I started eating better. It should be no surprise that exercising went better today than yesterday--even though yesterday was only walking and today was run/walking. I did not sleep well last night. But, the weather was glorious: a delightful fall day with low humidity! How refreshing was that. For me, I know humidity plays a role in my summer issues. I should probably chart humidity levels with my eating patterns. I think, too, the fact that we do not have central air impacts my response to humidity. Our window air conditioners just do not tackle the humidity or cooling very effectively in hot humid weather. I know the humidity does not help my weight. In some ways, I think I have reverse seasonal affective disorder where I get depressed in summer and feel better the other three seasons.

I did weigh myself yesterday, and the results were awful. I am glad that I did this, though, because often I do not weigh myself at a high. Then, I regret it as I start with a lower number in terms of seeing progress. Plus, I do not want to be in denial about my weight because that, too, is counterproductive.

Today, I am cleaning some things at home that have been weighing me down mentally. It feels very good. Of course, I planned to get to them all summer, but that never happened. I plan to continue this momentum today. I am at the top end of my "too big" clothes. I also plan to do some shopping today. Sadly, I am going to need to rely on my blue shirt for the start of school. I think I am going to get rid of this round of big clothes after they are just that. I did that with the two sizes above where I am now, and I  have never gone there again. Keeping these clothes fosters a mindset that it is okay to choose destructive eating paths, which I no longer want to do for my health and my weight.

All the reasons I need to lose weight:

be around for my family
overall health
vanity (of course this plays a role)
blood pressure
ability to enjoy life
good mental health
easier aging process

I know there are more reasons, but that is a start for right now.

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