Sunday, September 11, 2011

My Body Is Giving a Big Sigh of Relief

That line says everything right now in terms of where I am at. I have kept up the momentum over the weekend. Yesterday was a great day eating-wise, plus I ran 4 miles and lifted weights. I am through the worst of the initial "toxic hunger" cravings that Dr. Fuhrman talks about and that I have experienced before. I feel my desire for larger quantities of food decreasing as well. I am not hungry, and the best way to describe the way my body feels is that it is giving a big sigh of relief. I slept very well last night, and I think I needed some of that rest to recover from what was a crazy week with all four of us beginning school. Everyone goes through their own stresses when that happens, and it is always a tough week around here.

I am thrilled that my weight is down 13 pounds or so, and that weight loss is slowing down now a bit from the initial drop of water weight and bloating. My skin is feeling softer. And, after my initial Friday night foray off the strict plan that I have been keeping for myself, I was able to get myself back on track.

I am really going to miss the farmer's market. That gave me a nice supply of greens to juice. Mr. C. and I have each been having smaller green smoothies. We used to have a full mason jar. Now, we are each having half of that. I am finding myself satisfied with that amount. Yesterday and today, I made a helping of green juice to have with the breakfast smoothie, and it has tasted good. Yesterday, our green juice did not have fruit in--just the juice of half a lime. Today, our green juice had zucchini, kale, chard, cucumber, spinach, 1 orange and the juice of 1/3 of a lime. I am finding that I love the green juice--partly because I feel the effects of it so quickly.

One other thing I did notice yesterday was when I got up from sitting in the car. I was surprised by both the speed and ease with which I was able to move. That's one of the slight changes that caught me off guard. As for the rest of today, a nap is sounding very good. I am going to try not to push it, even though I would like to make a pot of soup. I feel like that might throw me off kilter for the week, to not treat today as a day of rest ...

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