Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Momentum Part 2

I have had another good day. I have taken off 9 pounds since Saturday by changing my diet. I know a lot of that is water weight, but I feel so much better than I did 4 days ago.

I am eating the Fuhrman plan, and I am pleased with my staying on plan. One thing I have done yesterday and today is added green juice into the mix. I cannot believe how refreshing that is. Yesterday, I made a cucumber, lime, orange, apple, and kale juice mix. Mr. Conundrum and I both really enjoyed that mix. Then, today, I made a kale, swiss chard, orange, zucchini and lime mix that was delicious. I found myself energized by both the drinks that I had with dinner.

I am hoping to keep up with the juicing this year. The risk for the juicing is adding too much fruit, so today I went down to one piece of fruit. Mr. C. and I split the drink so that was the juice of half an orange.

Breakfast: Green smoothie with blueberries, strawberries, kale, romaine lettuce, and banana and a few beans

Lunch: Romaine lettuce salad with pinto, garbanzo, and black beans, cucumber, tomato, carrots and an orange juice, pomegranate juice and cashew dressing

Dinner: Steamed kale, spinach, mushrooms, onions, and zucchini, watermelon and cashews

All in all, things are going so much better. I feel so satisfied and distant from my cravings. Honestly, all the greens help, but I love the addition of the green juice. It really helps me. I feel very positive and like I can continue this tomorrow. And, that is what I plan to do.

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