Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Keeping the Rhythm

Not much new on the eating front. I keep doing what I am supposed to do according to Dr. Fuhrman's six week plan. It is definitely working. I am eating two meals a day right now and am feeling quite satisfied. I am alert and focused and mentally clear--much more than when I am eating SAD--the Standard American Diet. I have taken enough weight off for it to be quite noticeable to me, but not necessarily to other people. I am moving easier. My skin is softer. I have lost the bloat. Even my hair is more cooperative. My skin tone is changing to a healthier look. All this is good.

While I have been at this point before, I don't think I have ever been at this point eating so purely clean. I have not been having salt in processed foods (hummus, refried beans--my two temptations). I have been strictly ETL. And, in the interest of weight loss and gaining health more quickly, I have not been having starchy vegetables or grains.

Learning to eat ETL is a very different from eating SAD. Dr. Fuhrman says that you should eat only when hungry. At first, this is a frightening prospect. However, it isn't as scary as it seems. And, I know for myself this is true. One time, I overate on ETL foods and I ended up throwing everything up. So, with that memory from 2 years ago fresh in my mind, I listen to my body more carefully.

Tonight, I thought I should eat because I haven't had much. But, when I tried to eat, my gag reflex kicked in and the food did not taste good (the same meal that tasted great last night). I quit eating that dish (beans, broccoli, onions and mushrooms--again, this tasted great last night) without finishing what I thought I would eat. Just to make sure I didn't run into trouble tonight, I had two bites of beans and again, started gagging. I stopped. I had about 4 raspberries and the walnuts that I planned to have. I ended up with a very small meal and feel just fine. Calorically, I know the meal was very low. But, I know that I am doing well nutritionally because I am not hungry and seem to be through the toxic hunger.

So, the bottom line is that I have been here before but let it go for SAD food. This time, I feel more tenacious. I feel like I am matter-of-factly accepting this way of life in a way that I didn't do--even when I successfully was 30 pounds lighter following the same plan. But, even then, I still ate processed refried beans (low sodium). I also went off plan 1-2 times a week. This time, I know the importance of staying fully on plan for the six weeks at least. In reality, I will probably need to be fully on board most of the time. Little concessions turn into big problems for me. At least, that is what my past tells me.

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