Thursday, September 8, 2011

Removing All the Addicting Foods

I am on another day of success and am feeling like a much different person than I did even five days ago. I have been completely on Dr. Fuhrman's six-week plan, which includes removing all salt, added oil, animal products, and sugar. It also includes focusing on getting leafy greens, fresh vegetables, seeds, beans, nuts, fruits. Like I said yesterday, my mental clarity is much improved and my energy levels are greatly increased. I have not felt tired and certainly do not feel the need for coffee or caffeine. Even though I have not had caffeine since early August, there are days I still definitely want it. In fact, the next time I do feel that need, I am going to juice a variety of greens. The juicing is proving a powerful tool in helping me succeed right now.

The most important learning that comes out of this week is that I need to remove all addictive foods--sugar, salt, animal products and processed foods. Even eating small portions trigger problems for me and just make it harder to stay on plan--especially in my transition. I am certain that at some point, I will add them in again. But, for now, I can only think of today and plan tomorrow. But, I am feeling strong right now and am building off of success. It helps, too, that I have taken off a good ten pounds since Saturday. I am sure that will all slow down now after this dramatic transition from terrible eating last week to great eating this week.

Fridays always trigger nasty patterns for me. I decided that for this Friday night, I am going to make a larger portion of green juice and have that. If I am not hungry, that is all I will have. Mr. Conundrum and I both love the taste of green juice and he thinks that will be a real treat, too. The beauty of a glass of green juice is that I think it will halt my cravings and because it feels like a treat, it may also curb my emotional eating.

My goal this time through is to commit for a lifetime to this type of eating and to take off the weight once and for all. I am not naive enough to think there won't be challenges, but I am tired of doing the same struggle over and over again and always wishing my weight to be different. I just need to make it happen and live the life I want to lead now.

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