Monday, September 5, 2011


Yesterday was a bit of challenge to stay on track. However, I did manage to pull off an okay day. I stayed away from grains, meat, cheese. I did have eggs and wine and a date/nut treat. The scale was down today after two better (but not perfect days). Just dropping some of the bloat really takes away the weight. I feel much better, just reinforcing the lesson that grains and bad food is addictive to me and impacts my body in mental and physical ways--all of which are destructive.

Today is the final day before three of us start school. Mr. Twister still has a couple days to go before he starts, so he will spend time with grandma. Today, I have a lot to do. I feel good because I started the day with a 4 mile run with just a bit walking at the beginning to warm up. It felt good and the weather was lovely. Also, yesterday, I got the pesky closet/room cleaning that I wanted to get done this summer. Nothing like waiting till the final moment--sigh. But, it feels like a burden is lifted to have that cleaned--especially since I am donating a lot of things and clearing out some space.

I need to buy groceries for the week. I am getting healthy options for myself. For the moment, that is progress. In the throes of addiction, momentum is sometimes the hardest thing to find.

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