Monday, September 12, 2011

Odds and Ends in the Progress Toward Healing

I am now in my second week of being on Dr. Fuhrman's 6-week plan. I veered off a little on Friday, but all is going great. Even Friday had ETL-friendly foods and it wasn't hard to recover from that bout. I will say, though, that I did not sleep well on Friday, and I am wondering if that was from the bread and dates. I know that yeast in bread usually bothers me, so I usually stay away from bread. Gluten free bread tend to have higher amounts of yeast, I believe. Don't quote me on that--I may not remember accurately. But, gf yeast bread bothers me more than wheat bread in some ways. The bottom line is that I am a person who really shouldn't have bread period. It serves as a trigger food more often than not.

This morning was the first morning I felt really good running in a long time. This is especially good because it was definitely a humid morning. The day got hot, too, but in the Y it was air conditioned. The humidity tends to bother me even when inside, so I am think I am starting to get in better shape. I was able to push some of my running faster and did some of it slower. But, I ran 4 miles without stopping and felt good even at the end. I definitely broke a sweat. I feel fine all day and did not feel like I overdid it. 

At school today, I didn't get lunch. I didn't even feel like I needed it. I think I am going to plan to skip lunch tomorrow and just eat two meals. It makes food prep much easier, too. Plus, it is good for the body to go with two meals to give it more time to recover and heal.

I will also note that I was very tired over the weekend. Could be the results of the beginning of school. Could be the results of detox. Could be both. My energy was definitely back today, though, so I am relieved by that.

I cut the amount of fruit in my smoothies today, so there is another positive. I have been worried that I have had too much fruit. I used to have a quart smoothie with too much fruit.  Now, I am putting less fruit in and having only a pint. It is also nice to have smoothies made up for 2 days. Mr. C. and I each have a pint smoothie.

No weight loss today, but I am feeling great.

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