Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Clarity of Mind and Increased Productivity

Today, I went and lifted weights and ran. It felt good, and I broke a great sweat running. It felt like I was getting rid of impurities now that my diet is cleaner. That may just be my imagination, but it felt like what it felt and that helps my mindset.

Today at work, I had so much to do, and I felt that clarity of mind that comes with healthier eating. I am actually eating quite healthy, but since I am only really a few days in full force, I can only say healthier eating :-). In fact, I have so much to do this year that I feel like the only way I will get through the year is if I do, in fact, stick to this plan. I am feeling much better and sleeping pretty well for the first week of school.

I am currently weighing myself daily--more because I am curious about how quickly my body is changing. Sometimes, I stay away from the scale because of impatience. But, right now, I am weighing out of curiosity. For what it is worth, I don't feel impatient this time around. Perhaps because I am on this for good. Perhaps because I am so busy.

Mr. C. and I juiced swiss chard, kale, cabbage, zucchini, orange, and squeezed juice of half a lime at the end. It was stronger than the other juices we have had, but I really liked the effect it had on me. If I succeed this time around, I think it will be because of the green juice. It really is refreshing and helps take cravings away very quickly--quicker than the food.

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