Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Mixed Success

The good news: I have had an incredibly productive day with more healthy choices today than in a long time! I have graded papers for at least 10 hours and have surpassed my goal of what I thought I would get done. I feel like a burden is being released. I plan to do grade some more papers tonight to get even more momentum. I also have balanced how I approach the papers in a way that is allowing me enjoyment of the process. There are times when it is so intense that it is hard to do that. I have found the ideal balance on this assignment.

On the good news side, too: I also made a shredded chicken dish to bring to my parents' house this weekend as I am helping them move. Mr. Twister and I have accomplished a lot of reading today to meet his reading goal for school on Monday. He has trouble with focus and independent reading, but he does really well being read to. He won't make it if he has to read all of it himself. Mr. Twister is feeling good about this. I watched with envy tonight as Mr. Conundrum headed out the door for a length exercise session. Next week, that will be me again. Things start to open up. Mr. Transistor is a bit under the weather with a cold. I am hoping that will not be me next week ...

The bad news: I did have two pieces of dessert for supper, cheese, some caramel corn, and a glass of juice. No healthy choices there. Yes, I got a bit carried away but I stopped. Even with this burst, I am feeling good. Breakfast and lunch were nearly all veggie, beans, fruit and nuts in controlled portions. Progress and action always helps. It's amazing the weight anticipation can hold over me at times. I think that's a point I need to write more about at a later time. I know that I emotionally eat in moments of dread--especially when I lose all time for myself. That's what I have been doing lately--certainly, it's what happened last weekend. I don't know. Even this bad news just isn't feeling too bad because of all I got done. If I stay up late tonight, get up early, then on Sunday, I should be able to have a reduced workload and some space for me. That is what I need more than anything, and it is what I am working toward.

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