Thursday, March 17, 2011

Thursday Success Now ...

Avoid Friday Failure
This is the pitfall that awaits me every weekend during the school year. I get to Friday and feel like I should be able to celebrate. I am usually so tired that it involves a meal out/fast food, which gets me off to a bad start for the weekend. So, that celebration all too often involves food. Today was a good day for me. I should be noticing putting together several good days in a row soon. I also have amped up the exercise in March. I was a little late for spinning last night, but still got in 40 minutes and had my heart rate up. I had a hard time sleeping because I went spinning at night rather than in the morning. I prefer morning even if it difficult to get up. I do plan to spin tomorrow morning, so that is a good thing. I also have to plan a meal for company on Saturday. I will worry about that tomorrow night. I will have a salad/veggie part of the meal that I can focus my eating on. I plan to exercise, too, this weekend.

Cite the Stats (and Ramble A Bit :-)
I weighed in at WW today. 1.8 pounds down, although I think that is misleading because I had on lighter clothes than last week. Given my bump in exercise activity and lifting weights twice, I am happy with that (oh yeah, and my crazy weekend).  I'm not really following the program closely because I do know how to lose weight without tallying points, and I am doing that at the moment. What I struggle with is maintaining that loss. I am sure I could tally my points and find that I am on plan, but I do not need to. I eat lots of fruits and veggies. I am glancing at foods that I  eat and taking note of the point totals, which helps guide me. But the main reason that I am currently going is that I have outside accountability. The fact that my friend is going really helps. We keep each other on track. And, since I am so busy this time of year, it is easy to put off conscious health decisions till summer, and I cannot do that anymore. Plus, I really want to focus on my running this summer, and I would rather weigh less to do so. I am going to run my second half marathon this year, and I plan on beating my time significantly from last year. A key to that is carrying less weight. Plus, I tend to not struggle with my weight so much in summer. There is definitely a correlation between a very large paperwork load and eating too much in my life. The outside accountability of WW is helping me get through what tends to be a difficult time for me stress eating. If I have a good spring, it would not be unreasonable to be down 20 pounds for summer. That would be a good place to be.

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