Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Do You Want To Be Healthy?

Answer: Yes ... But
Last night I attended at a church meeting, and we discussed church health. The pastor compared church health to people's health and posed the question: Do you want to be healthy? Of course, I do. But, I could not answer without questioning all the ways I work against this answer: overeating, lack of exercising, overcommitting to responsibilities. The question still haunts me today. Answering that the question is one of the most important areas in my life right now as I work to change deeply engrained patterns forever. And, while there is definitely a choice involved in how I answer, there really is only one answer. I want to be healthy. I do not want to be unhealthy. Right now, I am lucky enough that the answer lies in my choice. So, really, there is no choice unless I want to live in denial, which I do not. The answer has to be yes because I want to keep living well. But, I still shy away from the question because wonder if I have the fortitude and commitment to align my behavior with my answer. That is what must happen if I answer yes. So, I continue to wonder if I have the ability to answer yes to that question--especially since the ultimate answer to that question involves getting to my lowest adult weight and staying there. But, I can only think about right now.

Savor the Goodness
I think this should be a regular section of the blog because I want to stay focused on the moment. I feel a great deal of satisfaction right now. I love my family. My body feels strong because of a good week of exercise. I like my job. The spring weather is coming. My busy time of the year is ending. I have much to be thankful for right now.

Plan the Day
Even though both my kids are home sick, I still need to pay attention to me. I am about ready to make my breakfast smoothie. It is getting late enough that I may be able to have my smoothie, and just have an early dinner. I have not been hungry yet this morning, so that might be a good plan. For dinner, I would like to have a baked potato with a little sour cream (definitely my crutch this week) and a lot of steamed broccoli. I will also have beans of some sort today. It will be a meatless day as nearly all days are for me. I also plan to meet my friend for WW.

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