Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Update on Week

Review the Week
Sadly, I have not been online to update. I knew March would be extraordinarily busy. And, it is. I have had mixed success since my first post. Last weekend, I had a rough one. But, since Monday, I have been doing well. The fact that I have not given up on thinking I can be successful this month is good. I attended WW with a friend tonight, and that was good. Last March, I really fell to pieces with my eating because of the many responsibilities and I completely gave up. This March, I am trying to have fewer issues to recover from and trying to stay in control.

Plan the Blog
I know I won't get much posting done this month. I am pulled too many directions for the next few weeks. But, I plan to post sporadically to get myself in this habit.

Record the Exercise 
Not much success here for a few days. But, since Monday, I am doing well.

Monday: Spinning class 45 minutes
Wednesday: Spinning class 45 minutes (this one felt like the first good workout in awhile).

Plan for Tomorrow
In order to stay in control, tomorrow, I need to get some groceries. I have my breakfast and lunch prepared already so I can exercise in the morning. Supper is the weak spot and the wild card.

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