Sunday, March 13, 2011

Wacky Weekend

Contradict Thyself!
What a weekend of contradictions. Great day on Friday. Yesterday, I did 5 miles on the elliptical on intervals. My difficult interval had a level 12 resistance, which was challenging for me. Then, I did not have the appropriate healthy foods at home. I was hungry and got off plan--way off plan. This morning, my husband, oldest son and I went out for breakfast, which was fine but too much. Additionally, I supplemented it with too many M&Ms :-(. I went to the Y to work out--had a great weightlifting workout--was back at my highest weight numbers for it and felt strong. Then, I was going to walk-run a couple miles, but it felt so good, I ran for 3 miles--slowly but I broke a sweat and got my heart rate up. I would have gone further, but my husband was ready to leave. I came home and continued supplementing my excessive relationship with chocolate :-( and ate too much for dinner. But, I did only have two meals today, so the damage could have been worse. Even if the number on the scale doesn't move this week or even goes up, I know I am doing better. My pants were looser than they were three days ago. I am getting back in the exercise groove that I lost in January. Yes, there is an irony. Most people do better with the new year. I did worse. I did great through the end of December and fell off in January because my schedule was too busy and because everyone in the family got sick, and I eventually was sick for most of February. In fact, I think the illness hung on longer than that because this was the first weekend that I didn't need a nap!

Plan for Tomorrow
I have to make my breakfast smoothie tonight and a salad for lunch. Tomorrow evening, I teach a night class. I have a couple different ideas for that--all of them vegetarian options and controlled plans.

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