Friday, March 18, 2011

So Far, So Good

Review the Day
I had a good day. I started the day with spinning, went to work and had a relatively calm, focused day that was quite productive, and then I went back to the Y and lifted weights. Went out for supper with one son, stocked up on some exercise clothes, and stayed in control and focused. I ate a little more tonight, but not much. My husband and I have a 6:00 a.m. date for exercise tomorrow morning.  I am planning on running between 3-4 miles.

Stay Focused Even if Off Track
My hurdle tomorrow is getting through family lunch. We have company coming. I am planning on sandwiches for kids. I am not sure how I will handle it. I may have a sandwich or I may go for all veggies--depends how much time after getting the groceries. I would love to make a soup of some kind. That would eliminate my temptation. I am pretty sure a salad will be tough to stick to, so I might not even try. I plan to be flexible and stay focused--even if I get off track a little tomorrow.

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