Sunday, March 27, 2011

Moving Toward Change

Recently, I have made a lot of big decisions about how to live my life. I wrote about many of them yesterday. The next few weeks wraps up the most intense parts of these current commitments. Tomorrow night, I teach the last night class of my schedule. I will be relieved when that is done. Then, over the next few weeks I ease out of the more demanding of the responsibilities. I am looking forward to pulling back and refocusing. I feel like my goal currently is to get to the point where I can start acting on my refocusing. I guess I did do something to that end today. It did not involve a good day of eating, but I got a lot of important other aspects of the change moving. I spent the day sorting through things I no longer need and am in the process of getting rid of some extra stuff. I have listed my first things on eBay, and there definitely has been a steep learning curve there. I hope I have not made any major mistakes. Mr. Transistor was a huge help in helping with selling some technology. It was so lovely to see the sun today--even if it is still cold out. Mr. Twister, though, spent his day outside in short sleeves and a sweatshirt (the high was freezing at 32 degrees F), and he and his friends thought it was nice enough to walk to get ice cream. I think they are all longing for summer--especially since it is spring break. We are hoping for the best case scenario on flooding considering we are in a flood warning zone. Tomorrow, I will to make a smoothie for breakfast and I will bring stir fry for lunch. That should get me moving in the direction I need to go. I doubt I will make it to exercise tomorrow, but I can see the end of that pattern coming, too. It's going to get a whole lot easier to exercise in the next couple weeks.

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