Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Ahhh, Spring Break ... Well, Sort Of

We finally hit spring break. I think the students all needed one. There is a time in the classroom when, as a teacher, I feel like students are unfocused, tired and need breathing room. That's the way I have felt for the past couple weeks. I feel so ready for a spring break, too. And, I will truly enjoy it. Well, sort of. The reality is that I have about 30 hours of grading student writing in the next few days, and I need to get through without relying on the ever-tempting M&M in the process! On top of that, I need to spend a couple days helping my parents move. So, I am not really feeling a break coming--more just a change of frantic energies. I know, though, that getting through this hurdle of getting the papers/the grades done is going to be one of those huge stress releases. Today, I let the paperwork load dictate some emotional eating. Tomorrow, I am just going to tackle those papers -- all day long, so I don't have to dread the 30+ hours involved. I know that there will be many hours of delight in the papers, but that these papers will also be a very long, intense process. I will definitely post again.

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