Thursday, July 21, 2011

Goal Setting

One of my favorite school guidance counselors that I have worked with frequently discussed the importance of goals with students when he talked to them about course registration. He had done a lot of reading about the power of goals, and he talked about how much better people did with goals than without. 

I need to make a set of goals. I have had them in mind, but I haven't put them down in print in a meaningful way. And, that's what I need to do right now. Put those goals in print.

• Health
• Lack of cognitive dissonance between what I should do and what I do
• Ability to move better whether running, biking, swimming, etc. I don't mind being in the slow part of my age group, but I would love to move into the middle realm
• Sleeveless shirts
• Smaller clothes
• No medications as I age
• I would love to see my bone structure--something I haven't seen in a long time. Have I even seen it since elementary school? If I am honest, I haven't. How wide are my hips? 
• Run a 10K with Mr. Conundrum and my dad this fall. Hopefully, we will get Mr. Twister to run as well
• Run a half-marathon with Mr. Conundrum and a friend??? I did this last year and enjoyed it (surprisingly). I would like to beat my time and be able to run more at the end.

I am sure I have more goals. But these are all I can think of now. I will probably add more to the list as I think of them.

I did okay eating today. Not fully Fuhrman. I made a mix of onions and zucchini that I don't like much. Also, I don't like my plain portabella mushroom without dressing on it. I added a bit of prepared hummus to these. and then I had a few more crackers and prepared hummus to keep me from straying further. Not too bad, though.

I felt strong lifting weights today. I then did a half-hour on the elliptical (intervals 4 and 12). I did not feel particularly great doing that, but I know it was good. My exercise momentum is currently very good. Everything is feeling stronger.

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