Saturday, July 16, 2011

Decent Day

I did better than most days this week. I started the day by weightlifting and running. I made it two miles and then my knee started bothering me just a tad. I decided that since I am heavy for running, I would stop immediately. I then hopped on the elliptical and did intervals for nearly an hour at resistance 4 and 10. When all was said and done, I totaled nearly 5 miles on the elliptical  to add to my 2 miles on the treadmill for a total of nearly 7 miles. I felt good during the whole time. I did lots of errand running--i.e. grocery stores for all sorts of things.

I was not fully on the Fuhrman plan yet, but I did very well overall. We had company for dinner and I did not stray too far off the plan.

Breakfast: smoothie with chia, fruits, and greens; sunflower seeds; garbanzo beans
Snack: crackers and hummus
Dinner: lots of veggies, 1/2 bratwurst and fruit

Biggest Accomplishment: No decaf coffee

Hot, humid days like this are usually treacherous for me. I am glad my husband and I decided to exercise first thing in the morning.

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