Monday, July 18, 2011

Success Breeds Success

The evening is early, but I feel like I am through the nasty time of temptation, so I am writing early for me (I like to reflect on the day in writing). I have had a day that promotes health, which is my goal! One of my observations about getting going on eating healthy is that if I have a few imperfect days where I worry less about balance and more about whole foods, then I am able to get closer and closer to the Fuhrman Eat to Live plan. Today is my first day since Friday where I have been 100% on the six week program, and it feels good.

In the past three days, I have noticed the following benefits.
   • Overall feeling of well being
   • Improved sleep
   • Improved exercise
   • More alert
   • Rings fitting better (even in high humidity)
   • Clothes fitting better
   • More positive attitude
   • Increased productivity
I hope by maintaining a list of benefits, I can look at that during those times of temptation in order to avoid this.

Today, after I was teaching summer school, I was thinking very positively about how I could have a healthy day. I felt great about the prospects. Then, I thought about being able to do this all the time and giving up the foods I have loved most of my life, I had a low moment and could only see myself failing. The thing is that I want health and I don't want to fail. The way I got through the moment was by thinking about how I can only live in the moment. I also know that the more I stick to this, the more it becomes habit and what I crave. Dr. Fuhrman talks about how tastes change, and I know they do. I have experienced it. I experienced incredible success on the program two years ago and lost 40 pounds from where I am now. I want to exceed that for myself and I want to move out of this perpetual cycle I have of starting and stopping healthy habits. I know that my only way to success is through Eat to Live. I need those greens!

Breakfast: Smoothie with kale, romaine lettuce, spring mix, blueberries, strawberries, banana, apple and chia seed.

Dinner: water-sauteed onions and zucchini with salt-free bouillon, lightly grilled portabella mushroom, tomato, 1/2 avocado, raspberries, and a small handful of raw, unsalted pistachios, almonds and sunflower seeds

Exercise: 7 miles on intervals on elliptical, 6 miles on recumbent bike

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